About me

I consider it a privilege to be able to work independently across disciplines at the age of 50. In the past two years, I myself have experienced a longer process of change, which has brought me further in life, both humanly and professionally. I am convinced that there are moments in life when you have to deal with situations in depth and make decisions about whether to go left or right, change something or leave it as it is. I find reaching the right decision a very intense and challenging process.

In addition to my work as an organizational developer and certified coach SCA, I am an exercise person who likes to hike, play tennis and can be found regularly in the gym (you don’t get any younger). In addition, I have been playing the piano for several years and enjoy a good meal with a fine glass of wine. The balance should be and remain as balanced as possible. Besides all this, third parties say about me that I am a humorous person who consistently pursues his goals. This is the only way to really bring about a decisive change in life.

My personal vision is to enthusiastically accompany my clients in a deeper processing of their questions with suitable methods and tools as well as systemic questions and thereby to develop high-quality insights and results in learning, change and development processes.


Owner: Christoph Fritschi

  • Certified Personality Consultant I Type 2021

  • Project Management IPMA Level D 2020

  • CAS Organizational Development FHNW Basel

  • Dipl. Coach Swiss Coaching Association

  • Eidg. Dipl. Company mentor

  • NDS Employee and Corporate Management

  • 25 years Corporate Clients Credit Suisse AG Basel / Liestal

  • Over 15 years team leader in the rank of director

Memberships / Cooperations